Human Flirtation Observation


Specifications: 3-4 typed double-spaced pages


Method: Go to one venue where flirtation is likely to take place (e.g. party, club, bar, school, sports event, concert, etc.) and observe at least four instances of flirtation.  Look at non-verbal behaviors -- e.g. Use of eyes, lips, hands, hair, social distance, touch.  Who initiates?  What initiations lead to more interest and a response?  How are initiations ignored?  Are female initiations better accepted than male ones?



1. Title Page (pick something creative!)

2. Introduction - Describe briefly what you did

3. Methodology - Describe your research methods (observations, interviews, etc.)

4. Describe the Venue (What does the setting look like, how is space used, how do the humans use the space)

5. Describe at least four instances of flirtation (In detail describe the participants’ clothing, their behaviors and the outcome)

4. Conclusion (What flirtation methods are most common?  Which ones appear to be most effective? Summary of findings)

5. Areas for Further Research on Human Flirtation (be creative!)

6. Bibliography (see format below)





1. Title Page (pick something creative!)

2. Introduction/Statement of Problem/Issue

3. Discussion of Findings (the body of your essay--divide into subtopics)

4. Conclusion (include your own analysis)

5. Areas for Further Research (be creative!)

6. Bibliography (see format on last page)





Written assignments need to be (computer) typed with standard margins in a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman) in 11 or 12 points, using both upper and lower case script and double-spaced on 8 ½ x 11” white paper. You must cite all sources and include a bibliography.  (See below for bibliography and footnote formats.)   Please, no fancy folders (a staple in the top left corner is fine).  


Extra Credit Essays should be 3-4 pages in length (excluding footnotes/bibliography) and can be turned in any time during the semester.  


Extra Credit Term Papers should be 7-8 pages in length (excluding footnotes/ bibliography) and can be turned in any time during the semester.  


The very last day Extra Credit Work can be submitted is Monday December 7, 2015.





The Dimensions and Ethics of Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

The Biology of Romantic Love

Darwinian Gradualism vs. Punctuated Equilibrium

Defining Hominid: How It Is Changing

The Loss of Estrus and the Origins of Human Sexuality

The Origins of Bipedalism

Allomothers and Cooperative Breeding

The Relationship between Bipedalism, Tool Use, and Brain Size

Human Mate Selection (what do we look for and why?)

The Mother-Infant Bond (primates)

Primate Intelligence and Language Acquisition

Did Homo Sapiens Displace Homo Neandertalensis?

Origins of Racial Differences and Why Humans Care So Much About Race

Balanced Polymorphisms (eg. Sickle Cell, Tay Sachs)

The Neanderthals: What Caused Their Extinction?

Are Humans Unfaithful by Nature?

The Importance of Scavenging in Human Evolution

Are Humans Selfish By Nature? (cooperation vs. competition)

Bonobo Sexuality: Are They Who We Were?

The Origins, Nature and Future of Family Life

Forensic Anthropology

Hermaphrodites—Should We Recognize More Than Two Sexes?

Evolution and the Human Diet

How the Pharmaceutical Industry Made Herpes into a Disease

Transgenderism: Media, Biology and Real People

The Biological Basis of Homosexuality

The Emergence of Childhood in Human Evolution


Things to Keep In Mind When You Write an Essay


  1. When using a computer, back-up your file on a portable thumb drive or an external hard drive
  2. Save a hard (printed) copy of the paper you turn in.
  3. Proofread! Read your paper aloud to catch awkward sentences.
  4. Use “spell check,” but remember the three forms: their / they’re / there…and two / to / too
  5. Leave one space after a comma.
  6. Indent new paragraphs five spaces.
  7. Spell out numbers under 11.
  8. Spell any number that is at the beginning of a sentence.
  9. All sentences need a subject and a verb—otherwise your sentence is  a fragment.
  10. Write in your own words! If you want to maintain the exact wording of another source, use quotation marks or single space and indent the copied section and then use footnotes.
  11. Don’t use words that you don’t understand.
  12. Avoid “run-on-sentences,” by keeping your ideas focussed.
  13. Follow rules for proper hyphenation—divide words between syllables, making sure the second half begins with a consonant.
  14. “Keep punctuation marks inside of quotation marks.”
  15. Give yourself enough time to do a good job and get help by turning in an early rough draft.





*Alphabetize by author's last name, underline or italicize all publications, put quotes around all articles, designate page numbers for articles.


For a book:

Terray, Emmanuel

    1972  Marxism and Primitive Societies: Two Studies.

               New York: Monthly Review Press


For an article in a magazine, newspaper, or book:

Dalton, George

    1974  "How exactly are Peasants Exploited?"

                American Anthropologist No. 76 September 1994, p. 553.


For an oral communication (speech/interview):

Washington, Gloria

    2012 Personal Communication, Van Nuys, CA, February 17, 2012


For a television program:

Thomas, Stanley

     2010 "The !Kung Bushmen," Nova Series, PBS Television


For an internet site:

Chappel, Clinton (Important to FIND the author and the full name of the site)

    2009 “Prostitution in Seattle,” http://www.Prostitution/Seattle February 1, 2009

                                                                   (date retrieved)




For a direct quote: if it is three lines or more single space and indent, eg.


A man does not have full status in social life until he is married: with no

household of his own, he is debarred from many privileges; hence except

for the physically and mentally handicapped, all mature Trobrianders marry

(Symons, 1979:113)


Referring to an author’s idea, but not quoting them directly:


Leakey (1985) saw that bipedalism was a natural adaptation to a savanna environment where more could be seen by standing upright.


Referring to ideas of an author without using the author’s name in your text:


The advantages of an omnivorous diet are numerous, especially in that intense foraging becomes possible in a limited area. (Franklin, 1993)




Extra Credit Projects